Animal nutrition and environmental science
There are tremendous benefits to feeding ruminants nitrogen and phosphorus supplements, in terms of milk production and productivity. However what goes in, must also come out. Nitrogen and phosphorus excretions from dairy cattle are a major environmental pollutant.
This book describes the latest knowledge in nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition of cattle including requirements, ruminal and total tract metabolism, possibilities of increasing the efficiency of nitrogen utilization and reducing nitrogen and phosphorus excretions from dairy and beef operations. It also includes aspects of the effects of dietary nitrogen and phosphorus on the reproductive efficiency of cattle.
Ideal for students, researchers and others involved in animal nutrition and environmental (pollution) science.
SECTION ONE: Interactions between Cattle and the Environment: AGeneral Introduction, E Pfeffer, Institut fur Tierernährung,Bonn, Germany, and A N Hristov, University of Idaho,Moscow, USA
SECTION TWO: Nitrogen Requirements of Cattle, C G Schwab, Universityof New Hampshire, Durham, USA, P Huhtanen, MTTAgrifood Research Centre, Jokionen, Finland, C W Hunt,University of Idaho, Moscow, USA, and T Hvelplund,Institiute Agricultural Sciences, Tjele, Denmark
SECTION THREE: Nitrogen Metabolism in the Rumen, N D Walker,AgResearch, Palmerston North, New Zealand, C J Newbold,University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK, and R J Wallace,Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen, UK
SECTION FOUR: Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Nitrogen Utilization inthe Rumen, A N Hristov, J-P Jouany, Inst National de laRecherche Agronomique, Saint Genes Champanelle, France
SECTION FIVE: Whole Animal Nitrogen Balance in Cattle, J L Firkins,Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, and C Reynolds,Ohio State University, Wooster, USA
SECTION SIX: Phosphorus Metabolism in the Rumen, R L Kincaid,Washington State University, Pullman, USA, andM Rodehutscord, Martin-Luther-Universitat HalleWittenberg, Germany
SECTION SEVEN: Phosphorus Metabolism in Ruminants and Requirementsof Cattle, E Pfeffer, D K Beede, Michigan State University,East Lansing, USA, and H Valk¸I D TNO Animal Nutrition,Lelystad, The Netherlands
SECTION EIGHT: Effects of Dietary Phosphorus and Nitrogen on CattleReproduction, J D Ferguson, University of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia, USA, and D Sklan, Hebrew University,Rehovot, Israel
SECTION NINE: Improving the Efficiency of Nutrient Use on CattleOperations, J Schröder and A Bannick, WageningenUniversity and Research Centre, Wageningen, TheNetherlands, R Kohn, University of Maryland, College Park,USA
Published: 2005
ISBN: 9780851990132
Type: Hardback
Pages: 304
Language: English
Format: Hardback
Availability: Available
A Hristov from University of Idaho, USA
E Pfeffer from Institut für Tierernährung, Universität Bonn, Germany
This book weighs: 800g
Region | Cost |
UK | £5.50 |
Europe | £13.50 |
USA and Canada | £16.00 |
ROW | £18.50 |
ROW2 | £34.00 |
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