Guide offers key information on fertiliser materials including nutrient releases, liming materials, nutrient sources, substrates and fertiliser recommendations
The Horticulture Directory Fertiliser Guide has been designed by Context to save you time searching for information and to improve your knowledge of fertiliser materials.
The Horticulture Directory Materials guide is a simple, comprehensive, clear and up-to-date guide that will assist you in your everyday fertiliser decisions.
Contains information regarding key nutrients, common terms, main fertilisers, substrates, physical forms, recommmendations and other useful data.
Published: 2001
ISBN: 9781899043040
Type: Wiro Bound
Pages: 105
Language: English
Format: Wiro Bound
Availability: Available
The Horticulture Directory Materials Guide has been written by Dr Ian Richards and Dr Arnie Rainbow who are leading consultants in this area.
Ian has a broad working knowledge of Fertilisers having worked in the industry for 30 years in key managerial and technical positions with leading manufacturers. Ian has written more than twenty-five origial scientific publications, is the co-author of 'Agriculture and Fertilisers' and provides the technical information service for the UK Fertiliser Advisers Certification and Training Schemes (FACTS).
Arnie Rainbow gained a BSc and PhD at University College London. He then spent 20 years developing a wide range of fertilizers and growing media for Fisons Horticulture (now Scotts UK). In 1993, Dr Rainbow and chemist Mr Neil Wilson formed Rainbow Wilson Associates; a consultancy specialising in the development of organic fertilisers and peat-free growing media. Dr Rainbow is also a leading expert on use of controlled release fertilizers and has been instrumental in the introduction of a number of improvement performance.
This book weighs: 420g
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